The Tech Sector in 2024

“Economists are more optimistic about the US economy as a whole, lowering the risk of a recession in 2024 to below 50%. For the tech sector specifically, analysts are optimistic about a potential return to modest growth in 2024, with more robust prospects for 2025.”

Deloitte, providing consulting and tax advisory service to top brands, reports that the tech sector is gearing up for a resurgence in 2024, emphasizing artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, and cybersecurity as some of the key technologies pushing the industry forward.

Generative AI (or generative artificial intelligence) refers to the use of AI to create new content, like text, images, music, audio, and videos. Generative AI is expected to dominate the workforce … but how does this affect people? Artists, writers, musicians .. those who harness their creativity will have to find ways to integrate AI into their landscape.

As we head into Q4 of 2024, C-suites, beyond just the CIO, will also likely feel an underlying urgency to develop greater new-tech literacy. #cybersecurity teams will be asked to push their limits, squeeze more results out of current investments or demonstrate operational efficiencies. Human resources departments will be increasingly open to hiring additional junior cybersecurity staff, while line managers will be expected to do more to up-skill the talent they have. Maybe this is where older, more experienced employees come into play and offer their knowledge and wisdom.

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